Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year, No Fear

Happy new year, dads and moms, guys and gals, Archies and Betties. I hope you had a good year. I had such a good 2013 that I didn't even bother writing in this blog. No, sir. No need for that. Get that blog out of here. As a precocious Disney network show script might say, "That's so 2012!"

But, wait. Where else will I be able to write unabashedly about my children and espouse completely unsolicited and incredible parenting advice? Let's bring this thing back. Let's bring it all back. Like parents on new year's eve, we may have fallen asleep at 10:30 with some half-drunk Moscato on our bedside tables (which you'll regret in the morning when the kid knocks it over at 3 AM when he's trying to climb into bed with you), but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to make it to midnight next year.

Let's forge onward, future shuffleboard champs of the nursing home.